AAMC Supports Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023

Reps. Terri Sewell (D-Ala.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) today introduced the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023. This bipartisan legislation would gradually expand the number of Medicare-supported medical residency positions by 14,000 over seven years. The AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) enthusiastically endorses this legislation as a key strategy to address the growing physician shortage and improve access to care nationwide.


Dear New Residents, Medicine Is a Hard and Beautiful Gift

This is the week when new residents start their training. Around the country, newly minted DO and MD physicians are walking into hospitals to really learn their professions. They have absorbed much in their 4 grueling years of medical school. They have seen disease and suffering and they have learned more than the basics of caring for the afflicted. But there is much more to learn; much in general and much specifically related to the specialties that they will ultimately practice.


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Medical Residents

The number of medical residents training in the United States continues its upward trend, the AAMC 2022 Report on Residents shows.

In 2021, 149,296 medical residents trained in Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education accredited residency programs or fellowships across the United States, about 5,000 more than in 2020 and about 10,000 more than in 2019. Of those, nearly one-quarter graduated from medical school outside of the United States or Canada. Representation of women, Hispanic people, and Black people made small strides as the percentages of members of these historically underrepresented groups increased in the overall makeup of residents.


PhysiciansLearn to Partner with Dr. Google

As patients increasingly diagnose their ailments online, doctors see both opportunities to improve care and challenges from those who resist their medical advice.

“Don’t confuse your Google search with my medical degree.” — Phrase that appears on mugs and memes.

Eve Bloomgarden, MD, an endocrinologist at NorthShore University Health System, based in Evanston, Illinois, has experienced the benefits and drawbacks of patients going online to learn about their medical conditions.


Everything, Every day, All at Once—Why We Need to Ask Less of Medical Students

The romanticised narrative that our university years will be the “best of our life” can leave those of us who struggle feeling disillusioned. For many people, medical school is a frantic attempt to stay afloat against a relentless tide of work and expectations. If you try to transcend the identity of “medical student,” and attend to other responsibilities or interests, it’s not long until a familiar and insidious internal voice questions your ability to make it over the next academic hurdle. Simultaneously, when you prioritise studying, social media bombards you with a stream of other people’s perfectly curated fun. How is everyone else balancing it all?


What Biden’s Student-loan Plan Means for Resident Physicians

Under an executive order signed by President Joe Biden, any individual student-loan borrowers who earn less than $125,000 annually and married couples with earnings under $250,000 are eligible for $10,000 in federal student-loan debt forgiveness. Borrowers who qualified for the Pell Grant program, aimed at helping students from lower-income backgrounds, would be eligible for another $10,000 in loan forgiveness—meaning those borrowers could receive up to $20,000 in loan forgiveness.


This Is What We Do: Academic Medicine Rising to the Challenge of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented time in our history.  

Throughout the past two years, health care workers, educators, and researchers have moved quickly to address the most significant public health crisis in a century — developing therapeutics and treatments, providing patient care in the midst of supply shortages and staff members often stressed beyond capacity, and moving into a remote environment for learning.